Sturgeon Supermoon Over Kansas City

Over the years this has been one of my more frequent shooting locations. I like the reflection of city lights and the moon on the Missouri River. Because Kaw Point is at the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri Rivers the river banks are extra wide allowing a greater exposure of the cityscape as it rests […]
Using Adobe’s Color Website Tool

Nigel Danson‘s most recent YouTube VLOG titled, A SIMPLE guide to COLOUR editing in Lightroom + HIDDEN Adobe tool! introduced the Adobe Color website, which appears to be a remake of the Kuler Adobe website and similar to the color theme extension that use to be part of Photoshop and other applications in the Adobe Creative Community, […]
The Unimaginable White Pocket

This was a location I have longed to visit. When I found that I had won the online lottery to hike the wave, I decided that I should try and visit White Pocket, since the entrance onto the road is just South of the Wire Pass Trailhead on House Rock Valley Road as shown below. […]
Photography Trip Planning Tools

I am enamored with the Southwest landscape, but live in Eastern Kansas, the town of Leavenworth to be exact. This of course meant, if I wanted to photograph that spectacular Southwest scenery, it would entail a 2,000 miles plus roundtrip excursion. Realizing that a trip to those scenic sites wasn’t close by to allow […]