The Southwest is one of my favorite location to visit and photograph. Southern Utah scenery ranks as one of my most favorite areas. If I can add some hiking or overlonding to get to a more remote area to capture that special location, then I have definite interest.

Along the trail up to the Rim Overlook was this spur nestled about with Utah Juniper that point upward to a butte in the distance. I took this photo because I noticed that the junipers provided a gap between the suggesting a path that lead upwards to the overlook peak that I was hiking to. I also like the dark stones in the front right corner that act to balance the picture with the clouds peaking on the left.

While hiking the Rim Overlook trail I noticed that at a certain elevation close to the overlook area you could see Mt Pennell in the far ground unobstructed by the Capital Reef terrain. This is perhaps the photo I like the best from my trip to Southern Utah. I like how you are lead in the photo to mountain in the far ground. What I don't like is that balance is a bit weighted to the left. This shot was taken from a hand held position while hiking.

While hiking the Rim Overlook and Navajo Knobs trail this view materialized. Capital Doom is to the right and Mount Pennell is in the background.

A pinnacle stands as a sentinel to hikers that the Wahweap Hoodoos are just ahead. Hoodoos are noticeable in the distance along the cliff.