A White Pocket Golden Morning

This was one of my last photos taken on my visit to White Pocket.  This mound is one of the most photographed landmarks at White Pocket.  While I was taking photos this morning, I enjoyed the company of a professional photographer from Korea. He and a coworker had been camping here and taking images during golden hour.  He had framed up this mound to the left of me, but I wanted to add the butte in the West into my image.  He was excluding that feature.  While some of the light was still being blocked by the ridge on the Northeast a softer light bouncing off of the clouds was minimizing the shadows.  The light on that butte in the background does worry me a bit, in that could draw the away a viewer attention.  The aim of this image is to capture the mound and salmon clouds that shortly thereafter faded as golden hour ends.  This image is a composite of seven photos.  Three bracketed photos of the sky at 2 stops intervals were merged together to expand the dynamic range that would retain the salmon refracted light on the clouds.  Four other photos were taken of the landscape with 2 stop intervals to ensure that I could compensate for the forefront shadows.   Then the two composite images were blended.  Post processing shows that this composite image resulted into brightness value of 3.66 and exposure bias of a -11744051/16777216 EV indicating that post processing editing left an unnoticeable under exposure.  Since this was a golden hour, I expected the brown tints to dominate, which was true.  The Color Wheel shows that many of these identified color theme tones were analogous and low in saturation except for the firebrick red tone (#8C4303) that was in full sunlight on the top of the mound.  PhotoPills was used to frame this composition. 

Picture Info
October 27, 2022
7:20 AM MST
Sony ILCE-7RM3
FE 16-35 mm
19 mm
0.4 sec
No Flash
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